22-24 October 2018
Expert Group Meeting

Regional workshop on Governance of Science Parks and Technological Incubators

  • Khartoum, Sudan

ETC in collaboration with the Arab Organization for Industrial Development and Mining (AIDMO), the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Sudan, the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), the Africa City of Technology, the Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils, and Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), and others will hold the regional workshop “Governance of Science Parks and Technological Incubators" on 22-24 October 2018 in Khartoum, Sudan for enhancing the capabilities of Arab countries in Science, Technology and Innovation.

This workshop comes in light of the role of these institutions in enhancing the capabilities of innovation and technology in Arab countries, acquiring the necessary tools and capacities to accelerate economic and social development, and in finding suitable ways to help national centres on the best means of development and success.
The specific objectives of this Regional workshop are:

  • To shed light on the reality of the science and technology parks and incubators in the Arab countries and the role they play in creating value and developing innovation ecosystems, and promoting the knowledge-based economy.
  • To draw lessons learned from some successful Arab and international experiences of science parks and technological incubators and how to benefit from them, and the role they play in the generation of technology and the exchange of experiences through supporting companies and raising their competitiveness
  • To show the extent to which these groups have contributed to the establishment of cooperation between the academic community and the industrial sector and the achievement of sustainable economic development.
  • To highlight the importance of the governance of scientific science parks and technology incubators and in creating an environment conducive to the transfer of technology through establishment of globally competitive companies.
 Science parks and technological incubators are considered as one of the mechanisms that can accelerate economic growth and transfer to the knowledge economy, and promote research and development activities through creating value, developing innovation ecosystem, linking academia with industry, and establishment of new enterprises.

Initiatives: Innovation policies

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