14 December 2023

Beirut time

Special event

Launch of the national strategy for the protection and welfare of older persons in the Syrian Arab Republic 2023-2030

  • Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic
Contact information

The Syrian Commission for Family Affairs and Population, with the support of ESCWA, has prepared the “National Strategy for the Protection and Welfare of Older Persons in the Syrian Arab Republic (2023-2030)”.

The strategy seeks to improve the quality of life of older persons, reduce their isolation, and invest in their capabilities and knowledge, with the aim of ensuring their inclusion in society and leveraging their experiences in development efforts. A participatory rights-based approach was adopted in preparing the strategy, engaging various government and non-governmental stakeholders concerned with older persons issues.

The strategy is being launched at a ceremony that brings together representatives of various ministries and concerned government agencies, in addition to representatives of non-governmental organizations, the private sector, the media, and United Nations agencies working in the Syrian Arab Republic.

Initiatives: Older persons

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