This regional workshop builds the capacities of national teams in using the Arab Trade Policy Simulation Interface (ATSI) to simulate commercial policies and analyse their evaluation. The focus is on concrete scenarios at the unilateral, bilateral, regional and multilateral level.
ESCWA developed ATSI to allow technical teams from member States to evaluate different national customs tariffs scenarios. ATSI also enables technical teams to evaluate the repercussions of trade changes in the rest of the world and their effects on the economies of Arab countries.
The interface provides additional tools, such as transportation costs on intra-trade and the development of the number of immigrants according to destination and source, since the movement of people has become one of the most important provisions of modern trade agreements. ATSI also provides a package of economic and sectoral results for each simulation, in addition to evaluating the effects of proposed policies on greenhouse gas emissions and foreign investment flows for the years 2023-2030.