
White paper on inclusive research:  Gender mainstreaming and disability inclusion

ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/CL2.GPID/2022/TP.28

Country: Arab region

Publication Type: Working papers

Cluster: Gender Justice, Population and Inclusive Development

Focus Area: 2030 Agenda, Gender equality

Initiatives: Realizing the rights of persons with disabilities, Women’s rights and gender mainstreaming

SDGs: Agenda 2030, Goal 5: Gender Equality

Keywords: Gender mainstreaming, Persons with disabilities, Gender equality, Research, Gender, Equity, Women in development

White paper on inclusive research: gender mainstreaming and disability inclusion

December 2022

Inclusive research refers in general to efforts to purposefully mainstream an intersectional gender and disability lens within research. It is foundational for addressing inequalities and is at the heart of the work of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA). The present white paper furthers the goal of ESCWA of attaining “a stable, just and flourishing Arab region”. The specific objective of the paper is to inform and guide all staff members at the professional and general service levels, as well as consultants and independent contractors, involved in any type of research on how to ensure an inclusive perspective that is both gender transformative and disability-inclusive from conceptualization to dissemination. Such a lens is fundamental for more relevant and effective studies and more inclusive policies and programmes.

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