Country: Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Publication Type: Reports & studies
Cluster: Gender Justice, Population and Inclusive Development
Focus Area: 2030 Agenda, Gender equality, Inclusive development, Population dynamics & migration
Initiatives: International migration, Including persons with disabilities in the labour market, Women’s economic empowerment
SDGs: Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being, Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Goal 13: Climate Action, Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Keywords: Administrative aspects, Air quality, Capacity building, Child health, Cities, Climate change, Communicable diseases, Communication technology, Covid-19, Data collection, Decentralization in government, Economic growth, Employment, Energy consumption, Energy efficiency, Environmental aspects, Health services, Housing, Industrial development, Information technology, Innovations, Jordan, Maternal health services, Municipal government, Non-communicable diseases, Open spaces, Partnership, Public transport, Refugees, Renewable energy sources, Resilience, Small and medium enterprises, Social aspects, Social welfare, Sustainable development, Sustainable energy, Urban development, Urban traffic, Waste management
Voluntary Local Review: The City of Amman, Jordan
February 2024
The Voluntary Local Review (VLR) of the city of Amman is the first in Jordan and in the Arab region. It is an opportunity to reinforce local and national policy coherence for sustainable development. It addresses a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were selected based on their relevance to the city and its strategic objectives, and access to and availability of high-quality urban data. The VLR highlights the city’s efforts to mainstream the SDGs while improving the quality of life of citizens and making the city smarter and more resilient to potential shocks and climate change impacts.
The present VLR sheds light on Amman as a national and regional centre for international cooperation. It emphasizes that the city is a significant beneficiary of international humanitarian and development aid that is effectively channelled through an adaptive governance system centred around the Greater Amman Municipality administration. The review finds that, over the last few decades, Amman has become a testing ground for innovative sustainability solutions. The effective removal of any barriers that may impede the evaluation and scaling up of good practices in the areas of urban planning, building, transport, energy, water, waste and climate action will significantly influence the development of the city in the years to come.
The VLR does not only discuss the city’s actions and progress towards achieving the selected SDG targets based on available data, but also analyses the implications for policy and practice, to improve Amman’s performance on SDGs 3, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 17. The VLR also provides actionable recommendations for fostering local development.
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2030 Agenda
, Gender equality
, Inclusive development
, Population dynamics & migration
The Voluntary Local Review (VLR) of the city of Amman is the first in Jordan and in the Arab region. It is an opportunity to reinforce local and national policy coherence for sustainable development. It addresses a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were selected based on their relevance to the city and its strategic objectives, and access to and availability of high-quality urban data. The VLR highlights the city’s efforts to mainstream the SDGs while improving the quality of life of citizens and making the city smarter and more resilient to potential shocks and climate change impacts.
The present VLR sheds light on Amman as a national and regional centre for international cooperation. It emphasizes that the city is a significant beneficiary of international humanitarian and development aid that is effectively channelled through an adaptive governance system centred around the Greater Amman Municipality administration. The review finds that, over the last few decades, Amman has become a testing ground for innovative sustainability solutions. The effective removal of any barriers that may impede the evaluation and scaling up of good practices in the areas of urban planning, building, transport, energy, water, waste and climate action will significantly influence the development of the city in the years to come.
The VLR does not only discuss the city’s actions and progress towards achieving the selected SDG targets based on available data, but also analyses the implications for policy and practice, to improve Amman’s performance on SDGs 3, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 17. The VLR also provides actionable recommendations for fostering local development.