
Performance diagnosis of urban economic recovery and resilience: The case of Alexandria

ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/CL2.GPID/2022/TP.5

Country: Arab Republic of Egypt

Publication Type: Information material

Cluster: Gender Justice, Population and Inclusive Development

Focus Area: Governance & enabling environment, Resilient development & conflict prevention

Initiatives: Governance and institution building, Sustainable urban development

SDGs: Agenda 2030

Keywords: Economic analysis, Urban areas, Labour market, Covid-19, Financial aspects, Governance, Business, Technical cooperation, Urban economics, Urban development, Financial policy

Performance diagnosis of urban economic recovery and resilience: the case of Alexandria

November 2022

This report, entitled “Performance diagnosis of urban economic recovery and resilience: The case of Alexandria” is a result of the United Nations Development Account “Building Urban Economic Resilience during and after COVID-19” project implemented in 16 cities around the globe. Those cities included three in the Arab region, namely Alexandria, Beirut and Kuwait City. Findings on the resilience performance results of Alexandria based on the methodological application of the diagnostic and planning tool (DPT) developed as part of the project are discussed here.

The report analyses the performance of the city of Alexandria in the five local resilience areas outlined in the DPT, namely the business environment, labour market, financial system, economic governance and basic service infrastructure and connectivity. According to the DPT, the overall assessment of Alexandria reflects a relatively sound urban economic resilience performance. There is a high degree of resilience in the three areas of business environment, labour market and financial system resilience with acceptable performance noted in the resilience areas of economic governance and basic service infrastructure and connectivity, with key points outlined here by resilience area. This report proposes solutions that can be used to formulate a practical framework for the creation of a more resilient Alexandria city post COVID-19.

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Governance & enabling environment , Resilient development & conflict prevention ,
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