ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/ICTD/2013/Technical Paper.4
Country: Arab region
Publication Type: Reports & studies
Cluster: Statistics, Information Society and Technology
Focus Area: Financing for development, Technology & innovation
Initiatives: Cyber Legislation
SDGs: Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Keywords: Arab countries, E-government, Economic dependence, Cybernetics, Rules and regulations
E-Government strategies in Arab countries: Current status and development prospects
January 2013
This document studies the projects undertaken in e-Governments and the new initiatives, as well as the legislative and legal frameworks, the interoperability frameworks and the monitoring and evaluation methodologies. In the end, this study presents suggestions and recommendations regarding the development of e-government in Arab countries.
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Financing for development
, Technology & innovation
This document studies the projects undertaken in e-Governments and the new initiatives, as well as the legislative and legal frameworks, the interoperability frameworks and the monitoring and evaluation methodologies. In the end, this study presents suggestions and recommendations regarding the development of e-government in Arab countries.