
Compendium of Environment Statistics in the Arab Region 2012-2013

ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/SD/2013/4

Country: Arab region

Publication Type: Reports & studies

Publication Subject: Compendium of Environment Statistics in the Arab Region

Cluster: Statistics, Information Society and Technology

Focus Area: Natural resource sustainability, Statistics

Initiatives: Advancing environment & energy statistics

SDGs: Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Keywords: Water management, Fisheries, Freshwater, Sanitation, Waste management, Water, Pollution, Air pollution, Biological diversity, Climate, Environmental statistics, Economic growth, Energy consumption, Natural resources, Land use, Land use statistics, Marine environment, Population growth, Statistical data, Sustainable development, Urbanization

Compendium of Environment Statistics in the Arab Region 2012-2013

January 2013

Economic development in the Arab region is accompanied by an overxploitation of natural resources. This has adverse effects on the environment, particularly in terms of diminishing water resources, deteriorating air and water quality, land degradation and loss of biodiversity, all of which affect the sustainability and quality of life of the Arab people.  Compiling and disseminating environmental statistics and indicators is essential for evidence-based policymaking. This issue of the Compendium provides an overview of the efforts made by the region to collect such data in the period 2012-2013, and addresses the most important environmental issues and concerns of relevance to the region.

The Compendium presents statistics on freshwater resources and management, fisheries production and availability, biodiversity and its contribution to national economies, waste management, air pollution, as well as energy consumption, including figures on oil, natural gas and electricity consumption in each country, and averages for the Arab region and the Gulf Cooperation Council subregion. The Compendium also presents statistical data on access to improved water and sanitation as regards goal 7 (ensuring environmental sustainability) of the Millennium Development Goals.


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Natural resource sustainability , Statistics ,
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