
Climate finance for water in the Arab region

ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/CL1.CCS/2023/Policy brief.3

Country: Arab region

Publication Type: Policy briefs

Cluster: Climate Change and Natural Resource Sustainability

Focus Area: Climate change, Natural resource sustainability

Initiatives: Improved Water Security in Arab States, Arab Initiative for Mobilizing Climate Finance for Water

SDGs: Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 13: Climate Action, Goal 15: Life On Land

Keywords: Climate change, Financing, Water resources, Right to drinking water, Water management, Water reuse, Sanitation services, Agriculture, Capacity building, Regional cooperation, Recommendations, Arab countries

Climate finance for water in the Arab region

November 2023

In the Arab region, where 19 out of 22 countries face water scarcity, integrating climate finance strategies in the water sector becomes crucial in the context of climate change. Climate change exacerbates water stress, impacting freshwater availability and elevating the risk of extreme climate-related events. This scenario renders the water sector especially vulnerable to climate impacts, underscoring the necessity of incorporating climate considerations into water infrastructure design and national development planning.

The present policy brief, prepared by ESCWA under the Arab Initiative for Mobilizing Climate Finance for Water, examines the mismatch between the high demand for water-related funding and the limited international climate finance available. It highlights the need for a comprehensive approach to valuing water, establishing clear water taxonomies, and identifying finance gaps. The brief advocates for the expansion of climate finance instruments, such as public-private partnerships and green bonds, in the region to support water projects. It concludes with policy recommendations, emphasizing the importance of enhancing data availability and access, improving governance and infrastructure management, incentivizing water use efficiency through political and regulatory frameworks, and building capacity for all stakeholders.

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Climate change , Natural resource sustainability ,
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