Press release

17 Dec 2015

What is Left of the Arab Spring?

Beirut, 17 December 2015 (Communication and Information Unit)-- “What is Left of the Arab Spring?” is the question ESCWA has tried to answer through its first issue of the Social Development Report series entitled What is Left of the Spring: The Long Road to Social Justice in the Arab Region”, which will be launched at 10:00 a.m. on 21 December 2015, at the UN House, Beirut.

This important event will gather prominent experts and representatives from governmental institutions, civil society organizations, think-tanks and the private sector in addition to members of the academia and media personalities from Tunis, Libya, Egypt, Morocco and Lebanon. Representatives from UN agencies and offices in Lebanon and regional development organizations are also invited to take part in this event.

An opening statement will be addressed by Director of the Social Development Division at ESCWA Frederico Neto. The main findings and key messages of the report will then be presented by Oussama Safa, Chief of Participation and Social Justice Section,  followed by a first panel of policy discussion and later a roundtable discussion entitled “What is left of the Spring: Prospects of Social Justice in Conflict-stricken Countries”.

The relevance of this publication lies in its contribution to drawing lessons about the re-engineering of the social contract between the state and society in the aftermath of the Arab Uprisings. The analysis delves into the normative concepts of social justice and how they translate into practice through various policies, legislation, constitutional texts, national plans and social movements.


The ESCWA Communication and Information Unit (ECIU) kindly requests colleagues in media institutions who would like to cover this activity to confirm their attendance in order to facilitate their access to the UN House.  For more information:

Ms. Hayat ElHusseini, Mobile: 009613036869, email:

Mr. Nabil Abu-Dargham, Mobile: 0096170993144, email:  

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