
23 May 2017

Beirut, Lebanon

Linking Academia with Industry in Arab Countries

The working team for linking academia with industry in the Arab region conducted its first meeting on 24-25 April 2017 in Rabat-Morocco. The meeting was organized by the Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization (AIDMO).
In his opening speech, AIDMO General Director Adel Saqer stressed the critical roles of research and development (R&D) in existing and emerging industrialization in Arab countries.

The aim of the meeting was to establish an Arab program for linking academia with industry in the Arab countries. A proposed program was presented by Director of Research and Development in AIDMO Saleh Aljaghdaf.

The meeting was attended by representatives of many Arab and regional organizations, such as the Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), ESCWA Technology Center (ETC), the Tunisian Parliament, the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in, the Egyptian National Research Center, the Saad Dahlab Blida University in Algeria, the Industrial Research Center in Libya, the Ministry of Industry and Minerals in Iraq, the University of Jordan,  the Ministry of Trade and Industry in Tunisia, and others.

ETC Executive Director Fouad Mrad presented the project entitled “Establishing National Technology Development and Transfer Systems in 5 Countries,” which was subsequently widely accepted as a working model for successful technology transfer in Arab countries. ETC was asked to work closely with the pan-Arab working team to support initiatives on bridging the academia and industry gap through contribution to the following adopted recommendations: Build working relations with existing large industry for promoting local R&D, especially to be highlighted in the University-Industry Forum to be held in Kuwait during the first quarter of 2018; Explore productive networking with Arab innovation and entrepreneurship eco systems, especially youth, so they are included along with the research and industrial communities; Promote the establishment of national technology development and transfer systems and related legislations in Arab countries when missing; Localize regional indicators for STI national systems in Arab countries; and Coordinate Research Development and Innovation efforts with regional Association of Scientific Research Institutions, Association of Arab Universities, Committee of industrial Research Institutes, and the Arab Union of Chambers of Commerce and industry.

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