
17 Aug 2021

Green economy and green jobs in the context of post-pandemic recovery: how young people can contribute and ensure full inclusion

Opening Remarks by:

Ms. Rola Dashti

Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of the

Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia


On the topic of:

Green economy and green jobs in the context of post-pandemic recovery: how young people can contribute and ensure full inclusion


AGYLE Webinar Series

The opportunity for a green recovery in the post COVID-19 scenario in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement: The role of Youth


Organized by:

UNFCCC Regional Collaboration Center, Dubai

World Green Economy Organization


Via Webinar

11:00 to 12:30 Beirut

17 August 2021


Excellencies, distinguished guests.

It is my pleasure to take part once again in this series of webinars that provides an opportunity to reaffirm our ongoing partnership with UNFCCC and the Regional Collaboration Center in Dubai.


Excellencies, distinguished guests,


It is nearly 20 months since the COVID-19 outbreak. Countries are gradually progressing towards recovery, yet significant challenges remain in addressing the full economic and social implications of the pandemic.


Added to that is the impact of climate change on scarce water resources, food insecurity, health hazards, and biodiversity loss. Yet our countries are committed to strengthening their ambition in addressing those challenges and meeting their commitments under the Paris Agreement, based on the right to development and the principle of leaving no one behind, which underpin the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


  • Climate and environmental movements and campaigns are also growing across the Arab region, particularly among young people who can articulate the links between sustainable economic development, social wellbeing and safeguarding the environment,


  • We have numerous young innovators and entrepreneurs ready to take a leap of faith with startups that revolve around green ideas and corporate social responsibilities


  • According to the 2021 Tech Scaleup MENA Report, the number of new tech scaleups in the region increased from about 40 per year in 2015-2016 to 85 in the period 2018-2020.


  • Our region is therefore witnessing the emergence of a new generation of “young global citizens” who are well connected to a globalized era, and well versed in technology and the complexities and challenges it brings to our lives, but also its potential to open new frontiers and create many pathways for a better, cleaner, greener and more sustainable life for future generations.


So, it is only natural that young people should be at the heart of our green recovery efforts.


The burden now lies on policymakers and business leaders to support young people and provide them with an enabling environment. Young people need better access to capacity development programmes, and finance for startups that prioritize green initiatives and adapt green technologies to sustainably manage water, deploy renewable energy, and scale up smart agriculture initiatives.


At ESCWA, we are walking the talk:


  • Through the Arab Centre for Climate Change Policies, ESCWA has been developing the capacity of Arab climate negotiators since 2013, and ensuring the engagement of young negotiators who have progressed to play a leading role in COP negotiations at the national, regional and global levels.


  • ESCWA also facilitates youth engagement with decision makers and ensures their active participation in regional and global development forums, including high-level dialogues with senior international and regional policymakers, such as the Arab Forum for Sustainable Development, and the Arab Youth Dialogues on Food Systems.


Furthermore, in the aftermath of the devastating Beirut blast on 4 August 2020, ESCWA partnered with the Lebanese Ministry of Labor and Coursera to provide free certified learning opportunities for 25,000 Lebanese citizens from prestigious academic and research institutions worldwide.


In addition, as part of efforts to prepare and mobilize the next generation of entrepreneurs in the Arab region, ESCWA and the International Chamber of Commerce launched the Centre of Entrepreneurship in October 2020, which pairs local entrepreneurs with experts from the United Nations and ICC to provide mentoring and coaching for innovative professionals to transform the future of business.


Excellencies, distinguished guests,


In spite of the challenges we face, our region offers tremendous potential for startups and SMEs to bring about positive qualitative and quantitative change in our economies, institutions, and development priorities. Young people are viable partners in fulfilling our commitment to build a safer and cleaner environment, and mitigate and adapt to the challenges of climate change on the basis of justice, fairness and “leaving no one behind”.


Let us unlock this potential by providing an enabling environment through proper institutional arrangements, finance, and capacity development.


I wish you a fruitful discussion. As always, ESCWA, the Arab Centre for Climate Change Policies, and the Centre of Entrepreneurship stand ready to support and engage with our young people to build an inclusive and prosperous Arab region.


Thank you

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