
25 May 2021

Extractive Industries

Thank you

Indeed, action is needed to take the work forward, depending on national and regional priorities and contexts.

In the Arab region, as everywhere else, COVID-19 has exposed vulnerabilities.

It led to GDP losses of $150 billion in 2020, driving 14 million more people into poverty, a loss of at least 6 million jobs, and a regional fiscal deficit increase by $280 billion.

It is true that the Arab region has a huge abundance of oil, gas and minerals, and is a major player in the global market. Yet, it is also characterized by climate vulnerability, which disproportionately affects women and vulnerable groups.

Meanwhile, 60% of the Arab region’s population lives in high water stress areas, against a global average of 35%. This challenge has prompted urgent action to access finance and technology for climate adaptation and mitigation.

Against this background, and in response to the Secretary-General’s Call For Actions today, ESCWA is committed to taking the work forward, by pursuing support for global processes and initiatives. Especially, it will continue to support Arab member States in multiple areas and ways, including:

  • Under financing for development
    • ESCWA implements an innovative Climate/SDGs Debt Swap Mechanism to accelerate progress towards 2030 Agenda and Paris Agreement, and promotes North-South and triangular cooperation.
    • It established a platform for coordination between the private sector, multilateral development banks and governments, to de-risk investments on sustainable energy.


  • Under Circular and Green economy
    • ESCWA Advocates a nexus approach to natural resources management.
    • It provides  policy advice on national visions and strategies to develop extractive industries value chains.
    • It promotes the adoption of the circular carbon economy framework, to support economic diversification and just energy transition.


  • Under Just and inclusive transition
    • ESCWA undertakes capacity-building of government institutions, through retraining and reskilling programs, focusing on women and youth empowerment.
    • It strengthens multi-stakeholder regional partnerships to leverage the transformational potential of energy.


Indeed, our world needs enhanced regional and global collaboration and solidarity, to ensure inclusive and just transition for all. Indeed, there is no one way solution; transitional business models must be adapted to national and regional contexts.

The UN Regional commissions provide a unique platform to bolster regional coordination, policy dialogue and consensus-building for just and inclusive transitions. ESCWA is committed to pursuing this path and all other sustainable initiatives and processes for development in the Arab region.


Thank you.

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