Press release

28 Jun 2018

Beirut, Lebanon

ESCWA concludes 30th Ministerial Session, adopts Beirut Consensus

وزراء ورؤساء وفود في ختام الدورة الوزارية الـ30 للإسكوا

Beirut, 28 June 2018 (Communication and Information Unit)—On Thursday, the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) concluded the ministerial segment of its 30th Ministerial Session on Technology for Sustainable Development in the Arab Region under the High Patronage of the President of the Lebanese Republic, Michel Aoun.
Several resolutions emanated from the Session, including one reiterating support for the Palestinian people, and the establishment of an Arab centre for climate change policies, led by ESCWA.
The Session adopted an outcome document called the Beirut Consensus on Technology for Sustainable Development in the Arab Region. (Currently only in Arabic)
For more details on the Session, please visit:

For more information:
Nabil Abu-Dargham, Head, ESCWA Communication and Information Unit
+961-70-993-144; email:
Ms Rania Harb : +961-70-008-879; email:
Ms Myrna Mahfouz: +961-70-827372; email:
Mr Haidar Fahs: +961-70-079-021; email:
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