
23 May 2017

Beirut, Lebanon

Effective National Technology Transfer System in Morocco

As part of the Development Account project  “Establishing National Technology Development and Transfer Systems in Selected Arab Countries”, ESCWA Technology Center (ETC) conducted the second workshop on “Effective National Technology Transfer System in Morocco”  in cooperation with its national partner organization in Morocco; National Centre for Scientific Research and Technology (CNRST) on 26 April 2017 in Rabat, Morocco.

Around 35 experts and representatives of governmental and non-governmental, educational and research organizations participated in the discussion of the two national studies that were presented during this workshop; “Relevant Policies and Framework for Establishing an Effective System of Strategic Innovation and Technology Transfer in Morocco”, and “Universities and Research Centers Institutional Polices for Effective Technology Transfer in Morocco”. These studies were conducted and presented by local consultants Hicham Bouzekri and Omar Elyoussoufi, respectively.

The discussions were moderated by ETC Executive Director Fouad Mrad, with local stakeholders of the project, and focused on review, feedback for the relevant policies and suggestions, proposed legislative and policies recommendations for enchanting innovation system and roadmap for establishing national technology development and transfer system. In addition, discussion covered the proposed supporting policies for scientific research and Intellectual Property related to universities and research institutions. The following phase in Morocco of the DA subject project is to conduct the final study on “Operational Framework and Foresight for A Sustained National Technology development and Transfer System in Morocco”.

Member of ETC Board of Governors representative of Morocco Abdelhak Mouradi participated in the opening ceremony and gave a speech supporting ETC activities.
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