Macroeconomic and national accounts data provide information on the economic aggregates and averages of the entire economy, thus facilitating the study of the economy in its totality.
Macroeconomic data and financial statistics examine the whole economic system, including national income, total savings and investment, total demand, total supply, balance of payments, total government expenditures and revenues, and money supply. These aggregates and averages of the economy as a whole provide tools for formulating and assessing economic policies to maintain economic growth and full employment, to control inflation and deflation, and to moderate booms and recessions.
Our approach
Our partners
United Nations Statistics Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNSD), ESCWA member States, national statistical offices, central banks, Governments, economic policymakers, economic modelers and analysts, financial markets, regional and international organizations, academics and independent researchers.
Our activities
ESCWA is developing online databases and building the statistical capacity of national accounts teams in national statistical offices of ESCWA member States to enable them to compile their national accounts. ESCWA is also providing assistance to national accounts departments in member States to implement the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA) and improve data collection and dissemination.
- Developing and update English and Arabic content, national accounts and financial statistics databases for the Arab region.
- Improving the statistical capacity of ESCWA member States in implementing the 2008 SNA.
- Organizing workshops, expert group meetings, seminars and online consultations.
- Preparing methodological papers, guidelines and case studies.