Rural communities in the Arab region face many obstacles in accessing modern energy services. This project aims to strengthen the capacity of ESCWA member States in mainstreaming appropriate pro-poor green technology initiatives into national development programmes and policies, so as to enhance the livelihood of rural communities.
ESCWA raises stakeholder awareness on issues faced by rural communities in gaining access to appropriate green technologies and services. It carried out a detailed analysis of market failures in disseminating green technologies in rural areas, and proposed measures to support market mechanisms.
Our approach
Our partners
Implementing partners: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs United Nations Industrial Development Organization United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Economic Commission for Africa
Our activities
After mapping the Arab region to identify policy options, good practices and business models for enabling an environment conducive to the development and dissemination of appropriate green technologies, ESCWA held national workshops (Jordan, Morocco, Oman, and the Sudan) and expert group meetings on the different phases of the project to build the capacity of public and private rural development practitioners and local energy experts.
A study tour was organized with the World Institute of Sustainable Energy in India on the theme “Providing energy access through renewable energy in rural areas”. Subsequently, manuals and a training guide were prepared and an online platform was established for knowledge sharing and assessing and disseminating appropriate green technologies in rural areas.