In response to the methodological disparities between national and international MDG data, and in order to have more up-to-date and comparable data at the national, regional and global levels, the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) in collaboration with the International Labour Organization will be organizing a Workshop on MDG Data Reconciliation: Employment Indicators,Beirut, 12th and 13th of July 2012.
The Workshop brings together representatives from national statistical offices to review recommendations for producing and reporting on the MDG employment indicators and to establish strategies for dealing with data discrepancies and data gaps at the national and international level. The Workshop aims at improving statistical capacities and institutional coordination to invigorate the production of the MDG employment indicators, decreasing statistical discrepancies between national, regional and global sources on the Millennium Development Goal employment indicators.
Data Reconciliation Issues - Ms. Neda Jafar/ESCWA
Concepts, methods and sources of data - Ms Valentina Stoevska/ILO
Concepts, methods and sources of data - Ms Valentina Stoevska/ILO
Country presentations
Regional and global estimates and imputation of missing values: An example of MDG 3.2 - Ms. Valentina Stoevska/ILO
MDG Data Coordination - Ms. Neda Jafar/ESCWA
National coordination practices – Mr. Roy Doumit/ESCWA
Presentation of the Working Groups
MDG Data Coordination - Ms. Neda Jafar/ESCWA
National coordination practices – Mr. Roy Doumit/ESCWA
Presentation of the Working Groups