17-19 May 2021

Seventh United Nations MoU Universities Conference: The power of languages in times of crisis

  • Online

The seventh conference of the network of universities that signed a memorandum of understanding with the United Nations on cooperation in preparing candidates for language competitive examinations (http://mou7.unescwa.org/) is virtually hosted by ESCWA and organized in collaboration with the United Nations Department for General Assembly and Conference Management  (UNDGACM).

The United Nations is a welcoming environment for young language professionals, guiding them on a career path that places the power of languages at the service of humanity.

Members of the MoU Network meet periodically with representatives of DGACM to:

  • Review collaboration within the MoU Network, and propose ways to strengthen and improve it;
  • Share initiatives and innovations for the training of language professionals and trainers;
  • Report on the outcomes of outreach and joint training activities;
  • Discuss ways to align the academic training of language professionals with the requirements of the United Nations.


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