12-13 October 2011

Regional Multi-Stakeholder Consultation in the Arab Region in preparation for the Rio+20 Summit

  • Beirut


This Regional Multi-Stakeholder Consultation Meeting is co-organized by ESCWA and the Arab NGO Network for Development, and is being supported financially and substantially by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), in partnership with Diakonia and the United Nations Environment Programme/Regional Office for West Asia (UNEP/ROWA) and the League of Arab States (LAS), in preparation to the Rio+20 Conference.


Objectives of the Consultation:
• Bring together expert and civil society perspectives on sustainable development, the Rio+20 agenda and its desired outcomes.
• Commission papers from experts on key technical and political topics (green economy, institutional framework, regional trends…)
• Activate a comprehensive, coherent and policy-oriented dialogue on pressing development and environmental issues in the Arab region
• Connect to recent developments in the Arab region by bringing social and economic rights to the heart of the sustainable development process.
• Develop a relevant and actionable statement from Civil Society that can be presented by the Civil Society representatives to the PrepCom and beyond to the Rio +20 Summit.
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