22-24 July 2019
Special event
Multitasking as an Arabic-English language professional
The JTV will focus on the daily challenges faced by language experts with the Arabic-English combination and explore creative solutions. It will also consider the United Nations shift towards multitasking among language professionals, as reflected in the new combined Language Competitive Examination. Verbatim officers, copy editors, translators and editors are now expected to possess varied skills to facilitate and encourage smooth movement between the disciplines, so as to communicate the Organization’s mandate to various audiences more effectively and efficiently.
On the final day of the JTV, media figure Mr. Bassam Barrak will give a presentation on Arabic writing, followed by interactive exercises and a language quiz.
UNOG, Bilarabiya, IAMLADP, LCEs , Bassam, IFAD, IMO, ILO, STL, USJ