2 December 2022

Beirut time


ESCWA in the Global Competition Forum 2022

  • Paris, France
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ESCWA is participating in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) annual Global Competition Forum in Paris, which brings together competition officials from more than 110 authorities and organizations worldwide each year.

The 2022 forum focuses on: the goals of competition policy; interactions between competition authorities and sector regulators; and remedies and commitments in abuse cases.

ESCWA, partnering with United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and OECD, is organizing a side session where they are sharing important competition-related developments that have occurred since the third Arab Competition Forum. The session includes updates and proposals for the fourth Arab Competition Forum, which will be organized by ESCWA in Saudi Arabia in 2023.  

The session also includes interventions by the organizations on their most prominent work in the Arab region in the field of competition and discussions by competition authorities on their latest achievements.


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