27-28 October 2021

Centering the Needs of Older Persons in Policymaking in Jordan

  • Amman, Jordan
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Jordan is witnessing a moderate demographic transition, with older persons constituting about 5.4 percent of the population in 2015. Older persons constitute one of the most vulnerable groups in Jordan, as large segments of them are exposed to the risk of poverty, disease and isolation. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the vulnerability of older persons and  highlighted the need for immediate action to address older persons priorities to ensure that “no one is left behind” in the progress towards achieving sustainable development goals.

To support the government’s efforts to  integrate older persons' priorities into the policymaking process across different sectors, ESCWA in partnership with the Higher Population Council, and the National Council for Family Affairs in Jordan, organized a training workshop on mainstreaming ageing in policymaking which targeted government representatives from across sectors in addition to relevant stakeholders. The workshop took place on 27 and 28 October 2021 in Amman -Jordan.

Outcome document

  • The importance of having coherent and inclusive policies to ensure that older persons are not left behind.
  • The importance of ensuring strong partnerships between all stakeholders, governmental and  non-governmental to address older persons priorities.
  • The  necessity  of mainstreaming older persons priorities and issues during the various stages of policy making across sectors.
  • Interactive discussion on the rights and priorities of older persons and the relevant international Frameworks:
  • Screening of a video about the institutionalization of Older Persons issues in Jordan prepared by the National Council for Family Affairs


  • An interactive session to review the steps involved in preparing policies: preparation, approval, implementation and monitoring
  • The participants were divided into groups, each discussed specific concepts: areas of focus, health, transportation, protection from violence, and data and information. The groups worked on defining the vision, goals, indicators, and programs.
  • This exercise used the ageing policy toolkit prepared by ESCWA to support the capacities of countries to integrate older persons issues into the policy-making process.
  • The participants were divided into 4 groups to cover the following areas of focus: ageing in place, health care, social protection, and social inclusion.
  • Each group answered the questions assigned to it, and then the answers were presented by a rapporteur from each group.
  • The participants were divided into 4 groups to cover the following areas of focus: home care, health, protection from violence, and social protection.
  • Each group conducted a SWOT analysis and analyzed the strength, weakness, opportunities, and strengths relative to each area of discussion.  
  • A rapporteur from each group presented the results of the exercise. The presentations included interactive discussions between the participants.
  • Groups repeated an exercise from a previous session, they worked on identifying the vision, goals, targets, indicators, and programs relative to each focus area. Then they worked on indicating the sources of data, funding, partnerships, and the required legal frameworks.
  • A rapporteur from each group presented the results of the exercise. The presentations included interactive discussions between the participants.

Initiatives: Older persons

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