23 January 2024

Beirut time


Best practices for integrated business models

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ESCWA is organizing a webinar to discuss the Best Practices Policy Toolkit of the Regional Initiative to Promote Small–Scale Renewable Energy Applications in Rural Areas of the Arab Region (REGEND), which presents the implementation of an integrated business model using small-scale renewable energy technologies for income generating activities, entrepreneurial development and gender empowerment.

Building on the outcomes of REGEND, the toolkit is being developed to document experiences from the field and the impacts of the REGEND business model, as well as the obstacles that were addressed and the challenges that need further consideration.

Panelists and attendees are joining the webinar to present, discuss and provide feedback on the toolkit. Participants include REGEND beneficiaries, members of the local facilitating team, and members of the project team at national and regional levels.

Outcome document

  • The “Regional Initiative to Promote Small Scale Renewable Energy Applications in Rural Areas of the Arab Region (REGEND)” used renewable energy applications as an enabler/catalyst for integrated rural development, women empowerment, and capacity building.
  • The Water-Energy-Food nexus is a key factor in achieving sustainable development.
  • REGEND reached 490 individuals through capacity building programs, more than 80% of whom are women.
  • REGEND’s approach of communicating with beneficiaries and providing tailor made solutions contributed to the success of the initiative.
  • A Best Practices Toolkit is to be published in 2024 and will serve as a guideline for future similar projects. The toolkit focuses on risk assessment, mitigation measures, and the best practices implemented by REGEND.
  • Comprehensive and Sustainable development of rural areas in environment, economy, and social sectors
  • Field projects and programmes implemented in the Arab Region
  • Capacity building programs and their outreach and impact
  • Publications related to REGEND’s Best Practices for Integrated Business Models
  • REGEND’s impact and future upscaling potential
  • REGEND’s multi-stakeholder approach and fruitful partnerships
  • Renewable Energy as an enabler and catalyst for rural development
  • Risk Assessment in the implementation of REGEND
  • REGEND’s Business Model
  • Best Practices of REGEND
  • Governance, monitoring, and sustainability in project implementation
  • Economic, social, environment, and policy impacts of REGEND
  • Beneficiaries highlighted the key role of the equipment that were supplied by REGEND to their communities, while also pointing out the importance of the capacity building programs that taught them how to use them and improve their production and methodologies. Capacity building improved the usage of resources while helping several trainees moved forward to become trainers themselves.
  • REGEND’s flexibility and outreach allowed for successful interventions that are tailored for the communities. REGEND relied on strengthening the synergies while addressing the trade-offs between the energy-water-food sectors as reflected in its impact.
  • The success of the interventions allowed the beneficiaries to attract business, funding, and events to their region.
  • Participants discussed the lessons learned and best practices during the implementation, such as:
    • Importance of selecting equipment from manufacturers that have local service centers, regardless of brand quality.
    • Focusing on data logging and remote monitoring specifications.
    • Increasing synergies between communities and organizations increases impact of projects.
    • Disseminating knowledge of the trainings through ESCWA’s e-learning platform and reverse knowledge among various countries within the ESCWA region.

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