29-30 March 2022

14th Regional Workshop on Capacity Development for Climate Change Negotiations

  • Atlantis, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

In relation to the MENA Climate Week 2022ESCWA, in partnership with the League of Arab States, the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the Arab Negotiation Group is organizing the 14th Regional Training Workshop on Capacity Development for Climate Change Negotiations for the Arab Countries.

The main objective of this workshop is to support Arab States in implementing the recent decisions made at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 26) and discuss critical issues for the upcoming COP 27. Discussions cover the latest outcomes of negotiations at COP 26 related to the Glasgow Climate Pact and decisions on issues related to adaptation, mitigation, finance and technology. Discussions also focus on Article 6 on carbon markets and the enhanced transparency framework, regional positions and priorities for action, and preparation for the June session and COP 27.

The workshop will gather senior negotiators from Arab States with experience serving on national negotiation teams. Arab Governments are invited to nominate and include junior negotiators in their delegations to the workshop who are qualified to become members of future national negotiation teams.

Outcome document

  • The Fourteenth Regional Training Workshop was conducted for the first time in hybrid settings (in-person and online) and was open to the public. The workshop was attended not only by negotiators from Arab States, but also by experts from regional and international organizations.
  • Participants discussed key outcomes of COP 26 on different agenda items and including the Glasgow Climate Pact.
  • The workshop covered complex negotiations issues including Article 6 on market and non-market mechanisms and Article 13 on the Enhanced Transparency Framework.
  • Participants discussed national capacity building needs for implementing the outcome decisions of COP 26.  
  • The Fifteenth Regional Training Workshop on Capacity Development for Climate Change Negotiations for the Arab Countries will take place in Oman prior to COP 27.

Opening statements were delivered by co-organizers of the workshop, ESCWA, UNEP/ROWA, League of Arab States and UNESCO/Cairo Office. Also, H.E. Ambassador Mohamed Nasr, Head of Sustainable Development Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt provided remarks on climate finance on behalf of the Egyptian Presidency and highlighted vision and priorities of the COP 27 in November 2022.

A round of introduction of participants followed.

This session provided an overview of the outcomes of COP 26 including the Glasgow Climate Pact. Progress of negotiations was presented on main issues including mitigation, adaptation, loss & damage, finance, response measures, common timeframes for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), Article 6 and Article 13 of the Paris Agreement.

Discussion on COP 26 outcomes followed.

This session provided updates on negotiations on Article 6 issues. It presented in detail the outcome decisions on Article 6.2 (guidance on cooperative approaches), Article 6.4 (rules, modalities, and procedures for the mechanism), and Article 6.8 (work programme under the framework for non-market approaches).

Discussion on Article 6 outcomes followed.

This session provided updates on negotiations related to impacts of response measures mainly on the activities of the Forum on Impact of the implementation of response measures. The session also included a presentation by UNESCO on adaptation in the water sector and in NDCs.

Discussion on impacts of response measures followed.

This session provided updates on negotiations related to the Enhanced Transparency Framework under Article 13 of the Paris agreement. It presented the outline for the biennial transparency report (BTR) also including the agreed outcomes on GHG Inventory Common Reporting Tables and Common Tabular Formats to track progress on implementing and achieving NDCs and flexibility options. The session also covered capacity building programmes on the ETF for the Arab countries.

Discussion on outcomes on transparency and capacity building needs followed.

This session provided updates on negotiations related to climate finance. This included the status of the USD 100 billion goal and outcomes of discussions on the new collective post 2025 finance goal. The session also covered latest developments on Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). In addition, High Level Champion for Climate Action at COP 26, Mr. Nigel Topping provided remarks on COP 26 outcomes. The session also included a presentation on the relevant activities Arab Centre for Climate Change Policies by ESCWA that also included an overview on the technical note on Implementation of Paris Agreement in the Arab region.

This session provided an overview on the evolvement of Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture and latest updates from COP 26. this was followed by a presentation by UNEP on the role of circular economy in climate mitigation and the interlinkages between circular and climate strategies.

The session concluded with discussion and closing remarks.

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