Equipping Arab economies with sustainable energy solutions that enable socioeconomic growth, while protecting the climate and ensuring a healthy planet and environment for future generations, is a crucial yet challenging priority for the region.
ESCWA strives to accelerate the transition to new sustainable and fair energy systems, tailored to national and global needs within the context of the 2030 Agenda.
ESCWA provides institutional capacity-building and technical assistance to member States on energy resource management and energy systems, encourages the expansion of electricity grid interconnections and gas networks, and promotes regional energy cooperation mechanisms to achieve access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
Within the framework of the Regional Initiative for Promoting Small-Scale Renewable Energy Applications in Rural Areas of the Arab Region (REGEND), ESCWA aims to improve livelihoods, achieve economic benefits in rural communities, particularly among marginalized groups, and promote social inclusion and gender equality.
REGEND seeks to satisfy energy needs and showcase the effectiveness of the bottom-up approach in achieving results by addressing energy poverty, water scarcity, vulnerability to climate change and other natural resources challenges. Pro-poor investment are promoted using appropriate small-scale renewable energy technologies and applications to facilitate productive activities and stimulate entrepreneurial development.