
Gender Glossary

The ESCWA Statistics, Information Society and Technology Cluster has implemented the present glossary under the umbrella of the DA11 project entitled "Supporting ESCWA member States in the adoption and implementation of Arabic".

Over the last decade, ESCWA, in collaboration with national statistical offices (NSOs) and with the support of OECD, compiled statistical glossaries on 13 subjects, in an attempt to develop a comprehensive standardized glossary of scientific terms lacking in Arabic. The Arabic Statistical Glossary Project, including social, economic, environment and gender fields, fell short of being completed and adopted at the regional level owing to shortage of funds. The unavailability of a unified global standard for scientific Arabic terms has left a gap, causing significant obstacles to the collection, comparability and usefulness of data across the full spectrum of development issues.

The present project will address this significant gap in the capacity of member States to collect and disseminate reliable data and metadata. Through a process of consultation between statistics and subject matter experts, countries will be engaged in standardizing glossaries containing thousands of statistical terms at the national and regional levels. Using ESCWA intergovernmental processes to cement agreement on these standards, the Arabic Statistical Glossary Project will be presented for adoption at the national, regional and international levels. NSOs will share and disseminate these glossaries at the national level and on their websites to harmonize Arabic standard terms at the national level.

Last updated: Jan 2021

Cluster: Statistics, Information Society and Technology

Focus Area: Gender equality

Initiatives: Gender statistics

SDGs: Goal 5: Gender Equality, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

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