

ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/EDGD/2008/3

Country: Arab region

Publication Type: Reports & studies

Publication Subject: Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the Arab Region

Cluster: Shared Economic Prosperity

Focus Area: Financing for development, Macroeconomics

Initiatives: Enhancing integrated national development planning

SDGs: Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Keywords: Arab countries, Economic surveys, Employment, Employment creation, Financial flows, Labour market, Petroleum, Social development, Social policy, Social surveys, Unemployment, Economic policy

Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the ESCWA Region, 2007-2008

January 2008

For more than three decades, the ESCWA region has been exporting capital; experiencing volatile real gross domestic product (GDP) per capita growth; has the highest unemployment rate globally; suffers from rising income inequality; and has a poorly-balanced economic structure that is overwhelmingly based on the export of oil. In that region, which is characterized by a short-term developmental horizon, a commercial circuit of capital and ongoing military conflicts, a compact on the right to development and security represents the starting point for a turnaround for all countries in the region to meet the Millennium Development Goals. The 2007-2008 Survey focuses on two significant concerns that have long constrained the right to development in the ESCWA region: capital flight and unemployment. It comprises five chapters. Chapter I reviews recent socio-economic developments, and chapter II examines the state of capital flows, with emphasis on capital flight. Chapter III reviews employment issues, while chapter IV provides a synopsis of integrated social policies. Chapter V details the nature and scope for rights-based economic strategies, focusing on employment generation, in the countries of the ESCWA region.

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