
Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the Arab Region 2016-2017 cover

ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/EDID/2017/1

Country: Arab region

Publication Type: Flagship publications

Publication Subject: Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the Arab Region

Cluster: Shared Economic Prosperity

Focus Area: Financing for development, Macroeconomics

Initiatives: Economic Statistics and National Accounts

SDGs: Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Keywords: Arab countries, Economic development, International monetary situation, Macroeconomics, Economic conditions, Economic policy, Economic surveys, Social conditions, Social policy, Social surveys

Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the Arab Region 2016-2017

January 2017

The 2016-2017 edition of the Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the Arab Region provides a rigorous assessment of the socioeconomic situation and prospects for Arab countries, and serves as a basis for policy discussion, peer learning and advocacy to cope with global, regional and national development challenges. The Survey first analyses routinely monitored economic and social variables in the Arab region in a global context. It then examines the impact on the region of ongoing fiscal reforms.
The analysis of the impact of global economic prospects and oil market dynamics on the region can be a vital tool for regional and national policy planning. The forecasts presented in the Survey have different policy implications for oil-producing versus non-oil-producing countries, and should be used to tailor national development plans to the needs of each Arab country. Most importantly, the Survey can provide the impetus for strong and coordinated fiscal policy reform, with a view to promoting inclusive and sustainable economic transformation.

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