
The infrastructure of the electricity sector and the regional energy linkages and exchange cover


Country: Arab region

Publication Type: Information material

Cluster: 2030 Agenda and SDG Coordination

Focus Area: Natural resource sustainability

Initiatives: Up-scaling energy efficiency in residential & services sectors

SDGs: Agenda 2030

Keywords: Consumption, Distribution, Electricity, Energy resources, Production, Electric power, Fossil fuels, Sustainable consumption

The infrastructure of the electricity sector and the regional energy linkages and exchange

January 2017

This fact sheet addresses the status of the infrastructure of the electricity sector in the Arab region in terms of sources, technologies and the efficiency of transmission and distribution networks.

It also highlights the current status of regional energy linkages and exchange, and the future outlook for improving the efficiency of this sector within the context of the regional electric interconnection system to establish the Arab electricity market.

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Natural resource sustainability ,
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