
Special guidebook: Practical guidelines for adopting energy efficiency measures in residential units in Jordan: Good practices to be considered when selecting and using household appliances

ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/CL1.CCS/2021/INF.2

Country: Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Publication Type: Information material

Cluster: Climate Change and Natural Resource Sustainability

Focus Area: Natural resource sustainability

Initiatives: Up-scaling energy efficiency in residential & services sectors

SDGs: Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Goal 13: Climate Action

Keywords: Energy efficiency, Building standards, Cooling, Heating, Solar heating, Solar energy, Household appliances, Photovoltaic power generation, Energy consumption, Technical cooperation, Manuals, Energy conservation

Special guidebook: Practical guidelines for adopting energy efficiency measures in residential units in Jordan: Good practices to be considered when selecting and using household appliances

July 2022

This brochure seeks to inform households on best sustainable energy practices that need to be considered during the selection and use of household equipment. It provides practical advices and specific guidelines related to the choice and operation of household equipment that can contribute to optimizing and reducing the building’s energy consumption.

The guidelines target the large public, providing in simple language useful information about the different sustainable energy solutions that are available for selecting and operating household equipment. These information covers the following topics: low cost measures to reduce energy bills, methods of reducing space heating and cooling costs, ways to rationalize electricity consumption associated with air conditioning, energy saving possibilities in the kitchen, ways to rationalize electricity consumption associated with cleaning clothes, ways to rationalize electricity consumption associated with lighting and ways to rationalize energy consumption in domestic water heating. It also includes practical tips that can be followed when purchasing household appliances, taking into account their energy consumption efficiency, and provides some hints regarding the installation of photovoltaic solar systems.

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