
Arab Governance Report: Governance Challenges in Countries Undergoing Transition

ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/ECRI/2013/4

Publication Type: Reports & studies

Cluster: Governance and Conflict Prevention

Focus Area: Financing for development, Resilient development & conflict prevention, Governance & enabling environment

Initiatives: Governance and institution building

Keywords: Arab countries, Constitutions, Democratization, Economic conditions, Governance, Human rights, Political conditions, Public goods, Public services, Violence, Women's status

Arab Governance Report: Governance Challenges in Countries Undergoing Transition

January 2013

Following the uprisings, a wave of political transition spread through the Arab region. A large body of research has focused on the complex blend of socioeconomic and political factors that sparked this transformation. Transitions can take different trajectories based on country-specific political dynamics that depend on historical, cultural, geopolitical and socioeconomic characteristics and might also lead to a period of protracted instability if governance reforms are not implemented.

This study contributes to the elucidation of the concept of democratic governance, which does not translate as less State but rather as more effective State policies and institutions. This entails the construction of country-specific indicators. The study also attempts to place democratic governance in the context of Arab countries in transition and analyses the challenges of the transformative process that these countries have begun. Emphasis is placed on the methodological issues facing the construction of indicators and indices, as well as their many potential uses.  The objective is to initiate debate on governance and its role in steering the transition process.

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Financing for development , Resilient development & conflict prevention , Governance & enabling environment ,
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