Moctar Mohamed El Hacene

Cluster 3 Lead

Mohamed El Moctar Mohamed El Hacene is the Leader of the Shared Economic Prosperity Cluster. He joined ESCWA in 2014.

Mr. El Hacene has over 25 years of progressive experience: in governmental affairs as Minister of Petroleum and Mines of Mauritania, in international development institutions holding various positions in the World Bank, GIZ and the African Development Bank, and in the international private sector, including multinationals. In all aspects of his work, he focuses on ensuring that analysis, policies and programmes are strongly rooted in political reality and practical implementation. 

Mr. Moctar Mohamed El Hacene. Photo: ESCWA

Mr. El Hacene specializes in managing high-level strategic issues, leading business planning across sectors, and providing policy-related decisions and advice.  He has a solid understanding of economic concepts, with extensive experience in upstream and downstream development activities. Throughout his career, he has built effective partnerships that contribute to the sustainable achievement of development priorities, and has forged effective working relationships with Governments and international institutions.

Mr. El Hacene holds, among other degrees and distinctions, a MSc in Economics from Curtin University, Western Australia.

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