
13 Apr 2021

Youth and positive change in societies

Screenshot showing participants

Young people’s contribution to positive change is undeniable and crucial, especially during crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. However, for it to be effective, the adequate space should be created and youth representation should be insured throughout development processes.
On 8 April, ESCWA, UN Volunteers, the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in the Arab States, the UNFPA Arab States Regional Office and the Arab Youth Platform for Sustainable Development organized a regional breakout session on “Youth as the Drivers to Build Forward Better” during the 10th ECOSOC Youth Forum to explore the role of youth in leadership, civic engagement and responses to the pandemic.
Discussions revolved around the educational challenges that young people are experiencing, such as illiteracy, drop-outs, gender disparities in enrollment, and long gaps between completing education and finding employment.
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