Press release

9 Nov 2017

Beirut , Lebanon

University Students Debate the Role of Technology in Advancing Sustainable Development at 2nd Annual Model ESCWA Conference

Beirut, 9 November (Communication and Information Unit)-- The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and the Center for Civic Engagement and Community Service at the American University of Beirut (AUB) are joining hands to offer undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in international affairs the opportunity to take part in a unique simulation of multilateral diplomacy.

    A group of 40 AUB students will have the chance on this coming Saturday to voice their opinions on economic and social development prospects in the Arab region from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the United Nations House in Beirut.

Under the theme of Technology for Development, participants will seek to develop regional consensus on national priorities for the successful implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A resolution will be produced, articulating a regional vision for the role of technology in promoting peaceful and sustainable economic and social development for the children, women and men who call this region home.

    In its second year, the Model ESCWA Conference thrusts students in the role of officials from 18 Arab countries as well as United Nations entities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to assess progress on sustainable development in the region. The Conference replicates the Ministerial Session, the ESCWA governing body, which is composed of Ministers, with the participation of civil society representatives and other regional stakeholders, and meets every two years.

Highlights of this Conference will be shared on the ESCWA social media platforms (Twitter: @ESCWAECIU #ModelESCWA and Facebook: @unescwa).  A short video of last year’s Model ESCWA Conference (in Arabic) is available here:

The  ESCWA  Communication  and  Information  Unit  (ECIU)  kindly  request  media  representatives  wishing  to  cover  this  meeting  to  confirm  their  attendance  on  the  following  numbers  in  order  to  facilitate  their  access  to  the  UN  House:

Media  Contacts:

Nabil  Abu-Dargham  +961-70-99  31  44;  email:    ECIU  email:    

For  more  ESCWA  news,  please  visit:
Website:    Facebook:    Twitter:  @ESCWACIU      

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