Press release

11 Oct 2010


UN Launches Information Economy Report 2010 in Beirut

Beirut, 11 October 2010 (UN Information Service) — The UN Information Centre in Beirut (UNIC-Beirut) is holding a press conference on Thursday 14 September to launch the Information Economy Report (IER) 2010, entitled “Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), Enterprises and Poverty Alleviation,” by the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The press conference, which will convene at 2 pm at the UN House in Beirut, will address the role of ICTs as an important component in the poverty-reduction strategies in developing countries, in addition to the role of public policies when designing this sector, and finally UNCTAD’s recommendations to governments when using these technologies to reduce poverty. Speakers at the conference include the Director of ESCWA Information and Communication Technology Division Yousef Nusseir, UNIC Beirut Director Bahaa Elkoussy, UNCTAD Economic Affairs Officer Diana Korka, and First Information Technology Officer at ESCWA Rami Zaatari. UNIC Beirut kindly requests all media institutions to grant this press conference the highlight it deserves.
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