Press release

22 Mar 2010


Transport Issues Debated in ESCWA

Transport officials today affirmed the importance of unifying transport legislation among Arab countries and removing obstacles to the movement of goods and people in this region. Officials were speaking at the 11th Session of the ESCWA Transport Committee, held under the auspices of Lebanese Minister of Transportation, Ghazi Aridi. Head of the ESCWA Economic Development and Globalization Division (EDGD) Nabil Safwat delivered the statement of the Commission, focusing on the achievements in the areas of transport and trade and their importance to the work of the Commission. “Thanks to the fruitful and laborious collaboration of ESCWA, member countries and concerned organizations, this sector witnessed progress in its infrastructure, systems, procedures, etc.” However, he added that more work needs to be done to achieve progress on road, railway and maritime transport. Also, legislation requires additional efforts to be harmonized in its entirety. Opening statements also included those of the representative of Minister Aridi, Director-General of the land and maritime transport at the ministry, Abdul hafiz Qaissi, and Palestine representative Mahmoud Khaled, in his capacity as the former chairperson of the session. Qaissi considered in his statement “achievements of the ESCWA Transport Committee have drawn out a roadmap towards the fulfillment of socio-economic integration among member countries.” However, he added that obstacles to movement of persons and goods among Arab countries must be removed. Khaled enumerated for his part the achievements of the 10th Session of the Transport Committee, which focused on harmonizing transport legislation, and the Sudan’s request to join ESCWA’s three transport agreements.” Khaled emphasized Palestine’s ratification of the agreements. The meeting elected the Committee’s new office. Qatar representative was elected as Chairperson, Palestine and Kuwait representatives were elected as vice-chair and Lebanon representative was elected rapporteur. The Committee discussed in its first day progress in transport issues, namely the follow-up on recommendations formulated at the previous Session; and the progress of transport-related activities within ESCWA work programme. The Committee also deliberated on the draft proposal for the formation of a working group on the harmonization of institutional frameworks and legislation in the transport sector in the ESCWA region. Tomorrow’s meeting will discuss the progress achieved in implementing the components of the Integrated Transport System in the Arab Mashreq (ITSAM), and more precisely the agreement on International Roads and the agreement on International Railways. Also on the Committee’s agenda is the election of its new office, the programme of work for the biennium 2010-2011 in the field of transport, and other matters. The Committee brought together high-level representatives of member countries, namely from ministries and relevant government institutions, alongside experts in related fields. The Committee shall conclude its deliberations on Wednesday 24 March.
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