Press release

5 May 2006


Star Academy 2006 at UNESCWA

UNESCWA Executive Secretary Mervat Tallawy said the Arab youth are facing tremendous political, security, economic and social challenges that are driving them abroad in search for a better future. Tallawy was speaking to the contestants of Star Academy 2006 who visited the UN House ahead of a music concert they will be holding at 8:00pm Tuesday at the UNESCO Palace, Beirut, as part of the cultural events organized on the sidelines of the UNESCWA 24th Ministerial Session in Beirut from 8 to 11 May 2006. Tallawy gave a briefing on UNESCWA activities that strengthen social and economic integration between its member countries through integrated development policies tailored to the specificities of each country. The contestants are: Hanaa El Idrissi (Morocco), Hani Hussein and Rakiya Ibrahim (Egypt), Joseph Attieh and Maya Nehme (Lebanon), Khalifa Salem (UAE), Fadi Andraos (Palestine), Chayma Hilaly and Wajdi Lakhal (Tunis).
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