Press release

26 Feb 2016

Lebanese School Students Visit ESCWA, Get Briefed on its Activities



 “What ESCWA is, What ESCWA Does,” was the main theme of a briefing presented by Angela Samara, from the Social Development Division, Mona Fattah, from the Economic Development and Integration Division and Mirane Abi Zaki from the Communication Unit at ESCWA to a group of students from Saint Mary’s Orthodox College, Freres Libanais, and Al Iman schools, who visited ESCWA headquarters on 17, 25 and 26 February, respectively.

The students were informed on the United Nations in general, and on ESCWA as its regional arm, in particular

Following the presentation and questions on ESCWA activities, students visited the main conference hall, and the ESCWA library, where they were briefed by Chief Library, Mohammad Bakleh, on its work, role, services and how visitors can benefit of its services for their research and studies.


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