Press release

22 Sep 2024


Lebanese Officials to Launch UNESCWA E-Caravan Project

Lebanese Minister of Communication Marwan Hamadeh, Lebanese Minister of Social Affairs ‎Nayla Mouawad and UNESCWA Executive Secretary Mervat Tallawy will launch the E-Caravan ‎project for South Lebanon during a press conference at 11:00am Wednesday, 18 January 2006, at ‎the UN House, Beirut. The project is implemented in cooperation with “Fondation Saradar”.‎ The press conference will bring together a quorum of diplomatic and media figures, representatives ‎of UN agencies in Lebanon, in addition to representatives of the private and public sectors as well ‎as regional and international organizations.‎ The E-Caravan is a fully equipped mobile computer school that roams clusters of villages ‎introducing the world of Information Technology (IT) to communities of the formerly occupied ‎region in South Lebanon. Competent trainers are expected to train around 1,660 people in the ‎course of around 1,248 projected training sessions per year. The E-Caravan is equipped with a ‎network of ten PCs with flat screens, one laser printer, one LCD projector with screen, two satellite ‎connection modems, and other accessories. The E-Caravan also has a ramp that will provide easy ‎access for disabled persons. The content of the different training sessions is based on the needs of ‎the target population. The courses range from ones specifically for beginners to courses for future ‎trainers. The project is implemented in partnership with concerned private companies and in close ‎collaboration with municipal councils, existing local and international organizations and UN ‎agencies.‎
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