Press release

18 Sep 2017

Beirut , Lebanon

Executive Secretary Attends 72nd Session of UN General Assembly

          Beirut, 18 September 2017 (Communication and Information Unit) -- United Nations Under-Secretary-General and ESCWA Executive Secretary Mohamed Ali Al-Hakim is attending the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly and participating in high-level activities organized on its sidelines from 18 to 24 September 2017. The Executive Secretary is also attending the general debates that start on Tuesday 19 September 2017.

          Al-Hakim is participating today in a high-level meeting entitled "Towards the Implementation of the International Decade for Action - Water for Sustainable Development 2018-2019”. He is also attending tomorrow Tuesday a meeting organized by the University of Oxford on “Using the Multi-Dimensional Poverty Index to Track Progress in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, and delivering a statement in this regard.

         The Executive Secretary is also participating in a high-level event to launch a global initiative of the European Union (EU) and the United Nations to Eliminate Violence against Women and Girls on Wednesday 20 September 2017.

          Al-Hakim will deliver on Thursday 21 September a statement during the launching of the Arab Multidimensional Poverty Report organized by ESCWA in collaboration with its partners, namely the League of Arab States, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the Oxford Initiative on Poverty and Human Development.

         The Executive Secretary is also taking part in the event which will be held on the sidelines of the 72nd Session organized by the United Nations regional commissions, including ESCWA, on the Regional Perspective on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.

ESCWA in brief
          ESCWA is one of the five UN regional commissions. It is part of the UN Secretariat, and works under the supervision of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). It provides a framework for the formulation and harmonisation of sectoral policies for member countries; a platform for congress and coordination; a home for expertise and knowledge, and an information observatory. It aims at supporting economic and social cooperation between the region’s countries and promoting development process to achieve regional integration.

          Mauritania became member of ESCWA in October 2015. The Republic of Tunis, Libya, and the Kingdom of Morocco had joined it in September 2012. By those new memberships, the number of ESCWA countries rose to 18, including: Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen.


For more information:

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