Press release

15 Dec 2015


ESCWA Convenes 21st Meeting of Regional Coordination Mechanism for Arab States

ESCWA Convenes 21st Meeting of Regional Coordination Mechanism for Arab States

In its capacity as secretariat to the United Nations Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM) for Arab States, ESCWA convened the 21st meeting of the RCM on 25 and 26 November 2015 at the Headquarters of the League of Arab States (LAS) in Cairo. Representatives from more than 20 regional United Nations agencies, the League of Arab States and other regional organizations attended this yearly meeting.

This year’s RCM came at a defining moment in history of the Arab region. 2015 has seen unprecedented levels of crisis, conflict, forced migration and instability that have threatened to compromise development gains in several countries. At the same time the adoption of the ambitious 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provided the perfect opportunity within the RCM’s forum to discuss and review the adoption, adaptation, implementation, and monitoring of this ambitious agenda at the regional level.   

During the meeting, modalities and processes of cooperation were identified which will make it possible for the UN and the League of Arab States to multiply their efforts in supporting the realization of the Agenda in the region. Members agreed upon the need to take advantage of the launch of this new Agenda to catalyze transformative change.

Participants emphasized the importance of regional agencies in the Arab region working together across their respective areas of specialization in order to realize the potential of an integrated development agenda and develop coherent and consistent policy advice, capacity building and technical cooperation.

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