Press release

18 May 2010


ESCWA’s 26Th Session
Berri Opens Ministerial Segment Tomorrow

Lebanese House Speaker Nabih Berri will open the Ministerial segment of ESCWA’s 26th Session, Wednesday at 10 AM at the UN House, Beirut. Meanwhile, the second day of the Session witnessed deliberations among senior officials of member countries whereby discussions revolved around several points, namely upgrading ESCWA’s Centre for Women (ECW) and the Emerging and Conflict-related Issues Unit (ECRI) to divisions, as is the case for other subprogrammes of the Regional Commission. Talks also tackled the progress made in the establishment of the ESWCA regional technology centre in Jordan. Conferees agreed to upgrade the ECW to a Division after its Chief Afaf Omer presented a report on accomplishments made in the fields of women empowerment and the advancement of their role in development fields. She also pointed out to the increase of the Centre’s work recently, based on General Assembly resolutions and member countries’ priorities. ECRI Chief Tarek Alami explained his unit’s needs for human and financial resources to stimulate its activities, meet member countries’ needs and develop strategic approaches to tackle regional challenges and development requirements in a context of insecurity. Participants agreed on the importance of upgrading this unit to a Division, while ESCWA proposed the establishment of an intergovernmental committee concerned with emerging issues and development in times of crises. Participants touched on the implementation of ESCWA’s regional technology centre, which includes debates with concerned people, choosing the host country, and drafting the relevant documents.
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