Press release

8 May 2006


Contestants of Star Academy 2006 Cast Plea for Arab Youth

Winner of the 2006 Star Academy Joseph Attieh will address a large audience made up of prominent political, diplomatic, media and cultural figures at the UNESCO Palace, Beirut, tomorrow. He will address his plea to Arab officials on behalf of his colleagues Hanaa El Idrissi (Morocco), Hani Hussein and Rakiya Ibrahim (Egypt), Joseph Attieh and Maya Nehme (Lebanon), Khalifa Salem (UAE), Fadi Andraos (Palestine), Chayma Hilaly and Wajdi Lakhal (Tunis). He will make his plea during a music concert held by Star Academy as part of the cultural activities organized by UNESCWA on the sidelines of the 24th Ministerial Session from 8 to 11 May 2006 at 8:00pm. Entitled “Together for Arab Youth”, the concert will underscore UNESCWA’s link with promising Arab youth seeking a development role in their society and region and its constant support for them.

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