Press release

23 Jan 2006


Arab Experts and Officials To Discuss Future Role of UNESCWA

In a significant step coming at a critical time in the history of the region, Arab officials and highly skilled experts and intellectuals will gather at UNESCWA to participate in a meeting on the “Role of UNESCWA in Servicing its Member States, the Next Five Years.” The meeting, which will bring together prominent officials and academics, will continue until Wednesday, 25 January 2006. Opening at 10am Tuesday, the meeting will aim to articulate the future role of UNESCWA in enhancing its services to its member States. The debate, which will focus on tackling the current as well as evolving challenges confronting Arab states in various spheres, will take place within the framework of the 2005 World Summit Outcome Document and the mandate of the United Nations Regional Commissions. Discussion will revolve around the major areas that are the focus of UNESCWA work, including Water and Energy; Technology; Globalization; and Social Policies. The deliberations of this Brainstorming session will provide a tool for the various planning exercises of UNESCWA activities during the next five years. A report, reflecting the discussions and recommendations, shall be presented to the twenty-forth Ministerial Session of the UNESCWA this May. As such, member States will have the opportunity to ascertain the Commission’s various future programs. UNESCWA is one of five United Nations regional commissions and its member States include: Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, UAE, and Yemen.
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