
25 Jun 2016

Beirut, Lebanon

​Creativity, Innovation and Competitiveness on the Agenda of ESCWA


The Amman based ESCWA Technology Centre participated in organizing the “Arab Conference for Creativity, Innovation and Competitiveness,” held by the Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization (AIDMO) and the Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute (CMRDI) on 24 and 25 May 2016 in Cairo. ESCWA Technology Centre’s National Officer Nael AlMulki delivered a keynote address in the opening of the Conference and participated as rapporteur in the third working session.
The Conference recommended the adoption of the “Roadmap to Creativity and Innovation in Arab Countries” that was presented in the main session; and the upbringing of new generations in the spirit of pioneering, creativity and innovation through a thorough review of education methods within the household. The Conference also called on education officials in Arab countries to develop education systems in a way that enables new generations to be creative and innovative.
The Conference aimed at encouraging youth to participate in creative and innovative activities and contribute in building a knowledge-based economy; transforming the existing scientific knowledge, which is based on innovation and technological creativity, to an economic wealth; activating cooperation, partnership and integration between the public and private sectors to advance research, development and innovation in the Arab region; linking innovation, research and development institutions as well as industrial and productive institutions with their social setting and making use of the successful Arab and foreign trade in this field.

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