The second meeting of the Regional Working Group of the ESCWA Statistical Committee was organized by the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) at United Nations House in Beirut on 10 February 2009. The main topics on the agenda included: coordinating the positions of ESCWA countries for the upcoming session of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) by discussing the issues on its agenda; determining the positions of the countries of the region on the Delhi Group Manual on Surveys of Informal Employment and the Informal Sector; preparing for the Fourth Forum on Arab Statistical Capacity-Building; and following up on the World Forum on Measuring and Fostering the Progress of Societies. The meeting was held at the request of the national statistical offices (NSOs) to discuss points on the agenda of the UNSC so as to reach in the course of the meeting a unified position, and to confer with the ESCWA secretariat on its programme of work and activities.
10 February 2009
Regional Working Group of the ESCWA Statistical Committee, 2nd Meeting
The meeting concluded with a set of recommendations addressed to both member countries and to ESCWA.