23-24 December 2021

Executive Committee, 8th meeting

  • Amman

The Executive Committee, established pursuant to ESCWA resolution 320 (XXVIII), plays an important role in steering and coordinating the Commission’s activities, tracking the implementation of recommendations and following up on important regional and global issues. It held its seventh meeting online, on 21 December 2020.

In its eighth meeting, which will be held in Amman on 23 and 24 December 2021, the Executive Committee will follow-up on the implementation of the recommendations of its seventh meeting and on technical cooperation activities carried out in 2021. The Committee will also discuss a set of ESCWA policy tools and portals developed to provide practical, real-time support to policymakers in diverse socioeconomic areas, including Sustainable Development Goals monitoring and financing, and regional trade. In addition, the Committee will review regional and global developments in the areas of climate change, the results of the Arab Forum for Sustainable Development (AFSD) 2021 and preparations for AFSD 2022, and regional preparations for the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries. Finally, the Committee will consider reports of ESCWA subsidiary bodies and its proposed programme plan for 2023 for adoption.

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