13-14 December 2017

Executive Committee, 4th meeting

  • Beirut, Lebanon

The Executive Committee was established pursuant to Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) resolution 320 (XXVIII) at its twenty-eighth session in September 2014, after amending the terms of reference of the Technical Committee, redesignating it and increasing its executive role within ESCWA.  The Executive Committee plays an important role in steering and coordinating all of the Commission’s activities, tracking the implementations of recommendations and the application of discussed agendas, as well as following up on important regional and global issues including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  The Executive Committee is held biennially since June 2015.

The Executive Committee of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) will convene its forth meeting, in Beirut, 13-14 December 2017.  Representatives of ESCWA member states will participate in the meeting.

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