26-28 November 2018

Committee on Transport and Logistics, 19th Session

  • Beirut, Lebanon

The meeting reviewed the progress in ESCWA’s transport related activities since the 18th session of the committee which was held in Beirut during 20-21 December 2017. The meeting also reviewed several papers related to transport and logistics in the Arab region including: 1) the implementation of activities related to transport and logistics in the ESCWA work programme, and the level of implementation of the recommendations of the 18th session, as well as technical cooperation activities in transport; 2) Progress report on GIS for the transport network in the Arab countries; 3) Logistics Performance Index in the Arab countries; 4) Maritime transport: Does liberalization matter?; 5) Assessing Arab Economic Integration Report: Trade in services as a driver of growth and development.

Additionally, a workshop on Road safety Management in the Arab Countries was organized in cooperation with UN Special Envoy on Road Safety.

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